Candidates are required to have a valid personal e-mail ID. It should be kept active for the duration of this enrollment project. We may send call letters through this registered e-mail ID.
Scanned of all Educational Certificates,Academic Transcripts, Birth Certificate,paylip for ready for upload as supported documents
Curriculum Vitae(CV) and relevant testimonials will be upload during process of application
An endorsement and/or letter from the sponsor/employed or guardian confirming his/her readiness to sponsor the applicant.
For PHD candidate should submit;
Two or three pages description of personal research interests,previous teaching, research exprerience and career interests
A concept paper of 10-20 pages in the proposed area of thesis specialization which demostrate nature understanding of research topic, theory and knownledge of the current state of research in the candidates’s area of interest.
The Common Application is required for students applying to any or all of KU’s three degree. You’ll be able to choose your campus and program s that you are interested.
You will need :
Documents not submitted through the online method can be mailed to:
St. Augustine University of Tanzania
Dar es Salaam Centre
P.o. Box 72359
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania